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A sacred place to

Grow in Virtue

A community of faith growing in virtue together.

We form a special culture through our "Knights Code," parental and community involvement, and the pastoral care of the Fraternity of Saint Charles Borromeo. 


The Knights' Code

Love God and Neighbor. Build the Kingdom. Seek Truth.


Intentional virtue lessons shared weekly at all­school assemblies, and then reiterated and discussed in classrooms. The formation curriculum builds through the year as they strive to know and live the Knights' Code. 


Weekly adoration with homerooms; daily rosary time with classes after lunch; open confession time available for all students, weekly all-school Mass, voluntary altar serving. Living the liturgical year, such as with Stations of the Cross during Lent, and making wreathes during Advent. 


Weekly small groups for middle school students to discuss the faith questions they are grappling with and what they are learning in formation, led by teachers and community mentors.


Spiritual and communal time away in the mountains for middle schoolers, such as trips to YMCA Estes Park and Annunciation Heights. As a capstone to their Nativity experience, the 8th graders take a trip to Washington D.C. in the spring. 


An essential part of our mission, as Knights seek to Build the Kingdom. All-school service days, donation drives, and partner with community organizations to serve the elderly, sick, and in need. Middle school students are offered in-school volunteer opportunities.


The Nativity Difference

Our community and Catholic values are top reasons parents choose Nativity: Faith & Reason  


Parent Involvement

Parents are a welcome, needed, and appreciated part of the school. Each volunteer is safe-environment trained and background checked. 

New Family Program

New families are paired with a mentor family and gather for an ice cream social at the start of the year thanks to the PTO. 

Parent Teacher Organization

PTO enriches our community with special events like back-to-school Parent Parties, Donuts with Dad, Santa Shop, and Restaurant Knights. It funds classroom needs and student experiences. Race for Education in the Spring is a favorite memory every year! 

Community Events

Many opportunities to gather, such as Parent Education Nights with guest speakers and Roller Skating parties. Our annual Knight of Joy Gala 1s also a highlight. 

School Advisory Council

To ensure voices are heard and to provide input to the administration as they seek to fulfill the school's mission, the SAC is comprised of parent and teacher representatives and meets monthly. 


Within our parish, there are more than 100 vibrant ministries for formation, community, and to support you in your journey here.

The Fraternity of St. Charles Borromeo 

Nativity parish and school are under the pastoral care of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Charles Borromeo. We are uniquely blessed to have Sisters and priests actively involved in our school. For example, Fr. Accursio Ciaccio is the middle school theology teacher and puts on retreats, and our pastor Fr. Emanuele Fadini regularly makes classroom visits and celebrates Mass with us.

The Fraternity has its origins in the charism of Fr. Luigi Giussani, founder of the movement of Communion and Liberation. The priests of the Fraternity live together, and the communion among them is meant to sustain their daily missionary work, inform how they live their priesthood, and be a path towards conversion. 

The congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo was born in 2005 from the desire of a few young women to share the ideals of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Charles. The Sisters are a meaningful presence in the school and a model of joy and love. Sister Marilu Arbesu is our vice principal and walks alongside students, such as with weekly small group girls' lunches and attending field trips. Sr. Mariagrazia teaches middle school music and leads the choir. 

School Families and Buddies Program 

"School families" are groups comprised of students from each grade, who journey together through their entire Nativity career. School families gather for monthly lunches, as well as activities (like Bingo, chalk mural contest, and other games) to get to know each other and learn cooperation and leadership. The family group activities are led by the 8th graders. School families sit together at Mass and weekly assemblies. 

Younger students are given a "big buddy" to guide them, simultaneously giving the older students leadership opportunity. Big buddies take their little buddies out to carline, read with them, and sit with them at Mass.

We provide a safe place to protect precious futures
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